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  • Cheryl - Bad boy with a good heart ❤

    Another great book brought to us by Willow and Lauren. Elizabeth is back in her hometown to bury her stepfather she's devastated she'd been unaware of his illness he didn't want her worrying, at his funeral she notices a handsome stranger who she finds out is Liam he's been her stepfather's neighbour for a while, it was her stepfather's house she assumes he must gave been renting it to Liam but soon discovers at the reading of the will that not only does he own the property he's been left everything apart from the family home, Elizabeth is angry and blames Liam he tells her he doesn't want a thing and that he'll sign it all over to her on the condition that she goes on one date with him she agrees that's when she discovers there's soo much more to Liam that she initially thought. She begins seeing him infact she finds herself falling for him, Liam has never lied to her but he's been hiding things from her mostly about the business he and his family run the business where he came to know her stepfather it's through this business Elizabeth's life is put in danger but Liam sees Elizabeth as his now and nobody is going take or hurt what belongs to him. This book was amazing Liam is the perfect book boyfriend a bad boy with a good heart, it would be great to read more about his brother and his cousin they are perfect bad boy candidates.

  • bbrown - ... Argan oil and both my daughter and I just LOVE it!

    This is my second order of the Acure Argan oil and both my daughter and I just LOVE it!!!! I have always used good cosmetics, but this stuff is fantastic!!! During the winter months there is nothing better : )

  • Jesus - Fit perfectly. Will be purchasing the cargo liner in the near future. Most mats just lay there and move around. Good investment

    Fit perfectly. Will be purchasing the cargo liner in the near future. Most mats just lay there and move around. Good investment.

  • TechGuy - Avast! Internet security is the best anti-virus

    Although I don't "surf the web" randomly like some people do, and don't run across allot of viruses like some people, I know this is the best anti-virus around.

  • M. Sabree - Great Find

    My in-laws from the mid-west swore by this stuff when our children were younger. Our grand daughter was sick and I found this for her. Pleasant surprise as I thought this product wasn't available.

  • Amazon Customer - Disappointed

    Used every day until gone but saw no difference. The container was also very small. For the price there should have been more product