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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Caveat_emptor - The Reason Its So Expensive

    If you want to know why this cable is so expensive, just watch the movie Congo. They go through the plot of that movie every single time they make a cable. HDMI blood diamonds, gorilla blood, it also got Bruce Campbell killed by a gorilla, AND shot down a satellite.

  • M. Woo - Hurts hands

    I love it. I bought this at REI after staying the night at a hotel in Tennessee where the water tasted so metallic I could hardly brush my teeth. The filter was probably overkill, meaning the Tap version might have been good enough. However, I love it. We used it and used it, and even good tasting tap water tasted awesome after using the filter.

  • C. Jai - Love this stuff!!!

    Okay so this is pretty good coffee. I was not a coffee drinker until a few years ago when I started this job that requires me to pour over numbers and reports all day. Even though I started to drink it I had the following problems:

  • JFK1969 - Conspicuous Consumption

    I must admit, that when I first bought this shirt, I thought it was the very pinnacle of human achievement. And I was bursting with pride that this great nation created such a marvel. But then, on a missionary trip to Africa, I saw kids so poor, they had no wolves on their shirts. No wolves at all. Yet I had three. And a moon. I wept in shame.