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  • angela81_81 - Old Formula 4 Stars, New Formula 1 Star

    I have a preemie with milk allergies and she was happy drinking the prior powdered alimentum that came in a 16oz can for around $28.99 - $29.99. However, it appears that Abott tried to pull a fast one on their customers, hoping the change would go unnoticed! For whatever "reason" the company has reduced the size down to 12 oz (25% less) and made the scoop bigger so you go through one can twice as fast, and its still about $25.99-$28.99, depending on where you buy it online. Local stores, like Target and Wal-Mart, are selling the 12oz cans at the 16oz price.

  • Faceplant44 - All Cass FAST Valve Oil, the best!

    Al Cass Valve Oil is clean and has little to no smell. It works great in cold weather. You cannot go wrong with this stuff.

  • TheFNG - Have sufferd with this for more than 10 yrs

    I have been suffering with this problem for a decade maybe more. I have ignored it for the most part not knowing what to do thinking it would eventually go away. over the past few years I have been doing some research. I have tried this stuff and others like it. Just couldn't get it to work. I agree with other reviewers here that it actually made my nails turn yellow and look much worse.

  • gweny - Some people may not be able to hold it easily.

    This packs a powerful punch! Helps with the knots and sore spots. Word of caution that the unit is substantial. Some people may not be able to hold it easily.

  • Robin Sword - Pee eew gone!

    This is very useful. I am able to spray and leave. It soaks into the carpet, does its little bio thing and I don't have to scrub and clean it etc. I just let it dry. It does have a heavy detergent smell, but I prefer that to cat urine. Yes, my cats are so bad that I have to buy it by the gallon. Never again will I try to socialize adult cats.