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  • Deirdre A. Sexton - Beware!!!

    I installed this last night. Immediately, I got extra screens. Unsure what was needed for Rabbit TV, I clicked on a few of them. I got a Trojan virus and malware. The creepy part is nowadays it doesn't just ruin your computer. They can see and hear you on your webcam. Some guy with a foreign accent called me three times. The first time he told me I had malware, and he wanted to help me. I hung up and turned off my computer. I am setting it to factory settings now. The device is not worth the risk.

  • Amazon Customer - Promoted by a fitness model lies

    I bought this because of Michelle Lewin. I have been a huge fan of hers for years. I have been taking it for a month now while doing work outs and eating very clean. I did not burn fat but gained. I guess just because a fitness model is getting paid to promote this doesn't mean it actually works. Pretty disappointed.

  • Laura - Not worth the money- didn't work

    The drops don't taste bad, but I didn't loss any weight. At first I felt like they gave me a little more energy and I didn't feel as hungry, but after 2 weeks no weight lost. Plus they are a little inconvient to carry around and use. They don't taste bad just ineffective.