www.ibsaudioprogram.com Review:

The IBS Audio Program -- IBS Hypnotherapy, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS Hypnosis - IBS Audio Program, specializing in hypnosis for IBS, clincal gut specific hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome and all IBS symptoms, gas, pain, bloating, constiation, diarrhea, cramps, foods, stress, helpforibs, healthy audio, hypnosis, IBS,

Country:, North America, US

City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • claudio dario restuccia - Nice

    The book instructs in the good strategy way. You need a previous Knowledge about nursing. It is a good book to learn how to answers. Finally is Writing clear and direct. It was I spected. The weakest point you do not have enough questions to practices. You have to buy more for other sources.

  • kosmalj - BUGS IN THIS

    I was just at Costco and excited to see that they carried this as I wanted to try it (and was $5 off this month) and then decided to flip the box over to read the ingredients. I was so disappointed!! This product has Carmine in it. Carmine is a "natural" coloring made from the cochineal insect. It was the coloring Starbucks used a few years ago in their smoothies that caused a lot of media because it was not considered vegan (which upset a lot of folks). Carmine is used in many yogurts and foods (yoplait strawberry is one of them, and I believe Dannon uses it also). I know many of people in this world don't know what Carmine is so I'm trying to provide a little education because plain and simple - it's GROSS! If you're cool with consuming it, then that's your choice, but I just wanted to throw it out there and educate people on what it really is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmine