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75th Street Medical | Doctors Weight Control & Wellness Center Open 7 days a week - 75th St. Medical offers comprehensive family medical care. Our facility is well-equipped with the latest laboratory and x-ray capabilities to treat your entire family.

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  • snv34 - Deep wrinkle daily mosturizer

    Have been using this mosturizer for several years. Order through amazon since I cant find it where we live and was unable to get it shipped by a company through the APO AE mailing system. I can say that it does make my skin feel very soft, looks radiant, and makes the pores look smaller. I use this every day before my makeup and before I go to bed. It doesnt take much since a little dab goes a long way. I use this along with the Roc Daily Resurfaing Disks.

  • Brent Anderson - Perfect price, excellent product

    Rarely in life does one encounter a software product as moving as this. In the same way that the first viewers of the Mona Lisa must have wept at the serene beauty of da Vinci's most famous work, I too was profoundly moved by the ease and simplicity of H&R Block's tax software. Gone were the papercuts, the missing forms, the uncertainty that you actually did your taxes correctly. Gone was an expensive tax accountant, whom I would be paying simply to fill in bubbles and read my financial statements for me. Gone were the headaches, the issues, the discussions to understand mind-bending tax code. Even when I was uncertain about what the forms wanted, there was H&R Block's helpful assistance on the side - prompting me to click on the very questions I had in mind, and leading me to rather succinct and straightforward answers that would have otherwise rendered myself, a full grown man, to tears of of despair, searching for a way out from the deepest pits of all 16,875 pages of the US tax code. Indeed, this software was a boon, a revelation, and a vision; a shaft of light piercing the darkest, most complex portions of my meager partnership returns, and yielding illumination.