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  • Mommybug2 - Good Time Saver

    Not a bad game, good for mixing up the routine on a rainy day. Not too challenging but I do het a decent workout. I'm generally not worn out at the end so use it when I am looking for a cardio circuit which combines cardio/strength to save time.

  • S. Heinz - THERE IS HOPE!

    Last year I worked VERY hard to eat healthy in small portions and exercise like crazy 5x a week. As a result I lost 45 pounds. And then I found out I was pregnant. I gained it all back and then some. Once I healed from my c-section I started working out faithfully 5x a week again - and eating healthy. Yet nothing was working to take off those pounds. After 6 weeks I had lost a pound and I was SOOOO ready to throw in the towel. My mom reminded me that a few years ago I followed the IR way of linking and balancing and lost 35 pounds then - goodness knows why I ever stopped. I think my low self-esteem back then stopped me from getting back on the wagon every time I fell off. I also have known for 5 or 6 years now that I have PCOS and it's put me in the state of mind for years that I would never be able to lose the weight and keep it off. But when I spoke to my mom a couple weeks ago she encouraged me to cut back on carbs. I decided to follow the 2:1 ratio in the IR Diet book. This past week? I lost 7 pounds in one week, never once felt deprived, didn't crave bad food or large portions and I had more energy than usual - only needed one nap. And what's better? I hardly had to work at it! It's like my body breathed a sigh of relief because I was FINALLY doing what it needed. I am so encouraged by the fact that I went for 6 weeks struggling through with barely no weight loss and once I started eating right I lost 7 pounds in one week! I am still kind of in shock. I haven't read the book in a while but I do remember that it encourages fat-free dairy products (and other things like salad dressings) and I am not a fan - in fact I won't eat them. Most of the low-fat or fat-free products are actually HIGHER in carbs (and many times sodium also) than their fattier counterparts. That's how they add flavor and cut fat - they add carbs instead. I'll take the extra fat, thanks. Also - I don't ever do artificial sweeteners so if it means I just get a smaller piece of cake or one less cookie then so be it. Other than those two points I pretty much agreed with all the science of the book. My mom borrowed my copy of the book and then loaned it to someone else so I am running out tomorrow for a new copy. I want to reread the whole thing, but at it's core - this plan and way of eating and living truly works. It's basic and it works.