
Prestigebrands : Website stats and valuation - Learn about Prestige Brands who brings you the beloved healthcare products Clear Eyes, PediaCare, Little Remedies, BC, Goody's and many more

Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Collin - Fantastic Way to Learn Guitar

    Great way to learn to play or master the guitar. It has progressive skills systems that track your play and when you use the 'Learn a Song' section of the game, my favorite area, as you play songs better and better over time, you'll notice them speeding up the songs to their 'professional' levels, with exact chords and notes that a pro would use to play the same song. But at first, in this game mode, it starts you off on a slower pace and with less chords and notes, it's suited for learning and helps you master songs.

  • Chris Chubb - These actually lasted a really long time. The tablets ...

    These actually lasted a really long time. The tablets held up well, it only took a couple in the chlorinator at a time and they lastest at least as long as anything from the store, maybe even longer. Or maybe it's because the 50 lb bucket is still a 50 lb bucket instead of shrinking to a 35 lb bucket...

  • P. Michael - I like how it rotates internally and changes the colors with ...

    This little disco light works surprisingly well. I like how it rotates internally and changes the colors with the beat. I bought this at a discount for my honest review.

  • Grateful Mom - A great alternative to bleaching.

    I am very saitsfied with this product. I have been using it for about 6-8 weeks. I noticed changes in the shade of my teeth the first week of use and it has continued. Is it is as white as bleaching, no, but it is more natural plus I don't have the sensitivity to both my teeth and gums that I did when I bleached. This product actually seems to be improving my gums. I had to stop bleaching due to my sensitivity issues. I am ecstatic to have found this product and definitely hope it continues to work for me.