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  • C. Bloomer - Vacuum Snob

    I have never owned a stick vac before so this is my first experience and have nothing to compare it to. With that said, it has met my expectations. I purchased it specifically to vacuum the never ending "stuff" on my wood floors. With 4 boys in the house I vacuum every day - no fail! I was tired of dragging out my fav vacuum of 5 years to do a quick job and I wanted something better then the ordinary broom. [as a side not - I purchased an Aerus Electrolux canister (not the same as Electrolux) for about $1200 5 years ago. I figured if it could last 5 years then I'd be ahead even for all of the crappy vacuums I'd ultimately buy through the years and toss out. This bar none has been an amazing vacuum]. Anyway, I like the ease of the Linx and the power is just fine. At first I was trying to vacuum too quickly because I was afraid of the short life of the battery so I couldn't be the obsessive vacuumer as I know we all are that are posting our comments here. Luckily the battery hasn't been an issue because my expectations are simply to keep my wood floor clean and maybe touch up some on the adjoining carpets. I would like one for my upstairs but for the price I just can't justify it. It looks like the price is going down based on Amazon's price listed today.

  • Joseph St Lucas - So close yet so far...

    As others have said, s/w is weak. I bought this to upload my four outside cameras to a website. In order to do this, I need a constant filename. I had been using an ancient snappy w. snapcap s/w with a video switcher to upload to my website but the snappy started having problems. This device lets you view all four channels at once, and will save a jpg of the channels at a timed interval. However, you can't name this jpg what you want, it defaults to date/time format, no matter what. You can manually name a shot, but since I wanted a jpg at five minute intervals, this is too much manual for me. It will also not ftp automatically, but there's other free s/w to do that. Computer is a 1.2ghz pentium running XP. No other s/w except my weather station s/w runs on this so there appears to be lots of computing power for the app. Three *'s for this.

  • Katherine Izquierdo - Excelente

    El paquete llego en el tiempo indicado, y en perfectas condiciones, el producto es de calidad. Recomiendo a este vendedor!.

  • J Boland - Don't waste your money

    I have a 1997 jeep wrangler with a black hardtop. I bought this product because of all the promises it made to restore and renew. It didn't even cover half of my hardtop and what it did cover only lasted a few days. RIP OFF, DON'T EVEN WASTE YOUR MONEY!

  • ghost chaser - Second time is a charm.Not Really

    I just got this light and it is D.O.A. Not happy at all to get a new light that has so many good reviews and it is bad out of the box. The worst thing is I have to wait to get a credit to my account so I can repurchase a new one. If the next one is bad then I will not ever buy another light made by Thrunite as they should at least work out of the box. This is an update. The second light I recieved worked well and I noticed that if one has problems with the light flickering then you will need to take apart the switch and clean the contacts. Once you have the cap off containing the master switch you will need a set of snap ring pliers to take it apart. So in the end a nice light. Super bright, but gets raging hot in turbo mode if left on for more than a minute so be careful. I can recommend this light. Ok, my new light lasted 6 months and it is now broken. It would seem as though the switch is bad. Thrunite advertises on this listing that one can contact customer support for anything before and after buying. Ok, then how? I went to their website and sent an e-mail to ask for a replacement unit and I provided them with the order number, date and that I purchased on Amazon. No response. If you are thinking of getting one of these DON"T!! you will be sorry. I would get a Olight, Phenix or Nitecore light instead. These lights would be good if they could design a switch that works and they honored the warranty, but they don't. Seriously, this light is pricey JUNK!

  • ChristmasCarol - Really a Great Transformer

    I gave this product 5 stars because I love everything about it. The product does a great job of covering like a foundation but with sunscreen in it. I use LaRoche Posay's Mela D with Philosphy's Booster C mixed together and applied under the Miracle Skin Transformer. At 73, I do not have one brown spot anywhere on my face(never been to the Derm to remove anything from my face). All are great products. You should try this regimen, it will make a huge difference for your facial skin. I get all three products from Amazon. The prices are great!!