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If you have anxiety taking any type of test and would relax with a great study guide; helping you to prepare, than I suggest this one for the CDL test. It’s very thoroughly written and gives clear precise information that I found easy to retain based on how it is distributed. I really found the question and answer section very useful as it help me to pinpoint where I was weak at giving me the opportunity to go back and cover those areas some more. This is so much better than reading tons of notes over and over not knowing where to place your concentration; which cause the anxiety. I was provided a discounted item CDL Test Study Guide 2015-2016 during a promotion for testing and an honest unbiased review. No compensation for a positive review was provided or promised. All words contained here are based on my own experience of the item I received and used
i was trying to find something to just knock those couple fleas off my dog shampoo and flea comb werent getting. My dogs get baths every weekend, and flea combed. (i highly recommend pawganics soothing dog shampoo for itchy doggies also) i bathed the dogs this morning and sprayed them down with this stuff, and i have not seen any of them scratch all day. I dont know how long it lasts, but i know right now i have three very relaxed happy dogs. This stuff is labeled "home spray" it is for use around the house, but also has directions on the back for spraying directly on the animal, and is safe on cats too ( i also used it on a cat and had no problems) When you spray it on an animal, you then rub it in and it foams up like soap, i had to towel dry mine a little bit afterwords. But the bottle is huge, and it is well worth the cost, i am very pleased with this product. i highly recommend it.
Brilliant semantics cover to cover. For instance, instead of calling the taxation and onerous regulation of the job producers what it really is, she calls it "investing." I'm not quite sure if she completely spells out how closing down the businesses that provide jobs is an investment, but the foreign investors in the Clinton Foundation are sure to get a handsome return on their investment. I will admit to being a tad disappointed that she didn't reference her amazing ability to realize a gargantuan return on her cattle futures investment as proof of her amazing economic prowess; surely a means to spur the economy and put the 90,000,000 out of work people in this country back to work with 'living wages,' and lots of free stuff. Bernie Sanders can attest to the merits of a living wage gained through public service as seen in his real estate holdings. I also appreciated her get tough stand on our porous borders and the escalating threat of Islamic terror within our own country. I have complete confidence that she can take that 3:00AM call and do what's right to protect our nation - the smashing success of Benghazi come to mind. Although this book is largely (well, totally) preaching to the choir - those who would vote for her even if she robbed their grandmother, she does make a case for her election this year. Hillary for the White House - er, make that Big House.
This is a superbly written account of an Antarctic expedition led by Sir Ernest Shakleton on a ship named Endurance. It is trapped by ice and eventually crushed by it. In order to survive, the crew look toward it's leader for answers and the only chance at rescue is to make it to a whaling station that is more than 1500 miles away. Everything is frozen, the weather is the worst on earth and thats just the begining. It's all here, the amazing spirit that some humans show when pushed to the brink of death, starvation, freezing, thirst, tiredness to the deepest parts of one's existence, humor, friendship, respect, leadership, etc. How it must have been for these men to survive such a harrowing experience is beyond belief. If not because it was so well documented by the individual crew members who kept journals, indeed no one would beleive it. To have survived so many months floating on a moving, cracking, shifting, crushing ice floe only to have to undertake an 800 mile sea voyage in a 22 foot lifeboat in the most brutal ocean in the world where winds rarely fall below huricane force, find and land on a hellish coast of a small island easily missed. Then on foot and starving have to coss it on ground so treacherous that no one had crossed it before, or would dare again for another 50 yrs. A brutal reading that will leave you exhausted. Pass it on and share with your friends and family.
Here's the thing. Norton works fine for what it is, a very basic $20 anti-virus solution. For most web users it's fine as long as you're not going into any of the nasty dirty areas of the interwebs. But Norton is SELFISH. I also have a Malware filter on my PC to get rid of the stuff that Norton misses -- because it does miss stuff now and then -- and Norton actually wanted me to remove my Malware protection. I don't think so. Good for basic protection, but nothing special.