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  • TC Sailor - Not as usable as the early versions.

    I remember using the original version and it's first few successors, and they were useful. It's been a while since I used Quicken, so I bought the download version of Quicken Deluxe 2011 via Amazon. The download and install went fine, no issues. The setup was pretty much like I remember doing with the old versions, but it had a few new features added like auto downloads from accounts. Even that part went OK, and Quicken already had my credit union information (along with that of most major banks and credit unions).

  • luvmy7 - Great fun

    My 13 year old daughter has the best time dancing to this and her older brothers and sister and their significant others get in on the action too when they are here ... it's fun to watch them having so much fun, and dancing is a great exercise ... it's so much fun you don't realize your are actually getting a good work out while doing it.

  • Amazon Customer - No return after 30 days.

    Ran small. It was a gift so by the time we got around to returning it, the seller had a no return policy after 30 days. That was disappointing.

  • William Shook - Equall amounts?

    I did not see the results promised and you are suppose to use equal amounts from each tube but the tubes do not contain equal amounts so you will run out of the accelerator first.