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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Tony - Worst Upgrade In History

    I've used Intuit / Quicken for more than 20 years, and have been happy with their products -- until now. The "upgrade" to 2013 has so many serious faults it will take at least 2 years to bring it back into par with 2011. For example:

  • Joya Apperson - Wonderful bag!

    I bought this bag for my husband and am thrilled with it. It's a VERY nice bag made well, sturdy, and very spacious! Would definitely recommend this bag!

  • Black Shango - The Monster from SoftwareHell

    After installation, it refused to make a backup image. Tried to uninstall and reinstall but the installation then gave me two options: Uninstall even though it was already uninstalled or Repair. Repair failed. I tried to do a complete uninstall with Revo Uninstaller but still got the Uninstall or Repair option when reinstalling. Tried to sign into my Acronis account and got an error code that I was to look up on the knowledge base. What? To sign into my own account? I finally did a complete uninstall by editing the Window 7 Registry and deleting all references to True Image and Acronis. But trying to reinstall from the disk still failed. I then downloaded the latest install version from Acronis website. That install failed too. Think I will fork over the big bucks and buy Macrium Reflect for four PCs. I have been using Reflect on Windows 7 machines for years with no problems. Recently upgraded to Reflect 6 on my new desktop running Windows 8.1 with no problems. Acronis True Image is not yet ready for prime time.