
Lint Veterinary Service, Inc. - We are a veterinary medical facility, providing services to pets in Greensburg, PA and surrounding areas.

  • Lint Veterinary Service, Inc. | Services - Our fully integrated practice is ready to provide your pet with veterinary medical care, including Companion Laser Therapy, Reference and In-House Laboratory, Laser Surgery, Digital X-Ray, and Wellness Exams.
  • Lint Veterinary Service, Inc. | Our Staff - Edward E. Lint Jr., William Beam, and staff seek to provide the best possible animal care for their highly-valued patients.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • Rita B. Lisak - This provides a unique plushness that delivers a ultra rich quality to the material making for a very comfortable sleep.

    This pillow represents a thought well thought and an deed well done. That sums up this premium therapeutic side sleeper pillow by Sleep Jockey. I have suffered for over 23 years from an old injury where I rotated my sacrum.I have always been a side sleeper but finding the right kind of pillow to put between your knees is not always easy. This pillow has ended my search and just made my sleeping and getting a good nights sleep doable again.Anyone who suffers from lower back issues knows that on bad nights you can wake up several times a night in discomfort,try to find another positioning of your legs adding another pillow just to regain balance because your hips being positioned correctly can mean the difference of a good nights sleep or no sleep at all.I immediately realized that this pillow was engineered to give not only a comfortable nights sleep but many positions in which to achieve it.I slept very comfortably the first night I received the pillow and have since.Sometimes weather changes get to me and a pillow won't help that.The position and the material the pillow is made from however will help with the injury flare ups because this is not only a memory foam but one that provides comfort because if the height and the shape.So whether you are needing to hold a pillow or raise a leg it provides and assist in delivering balance. Balance is everything when providing comfort and this pillow offers that by removing stress off of the lower back by assisting in lifting the upper leg up enough to remove the pressure that would be there if none were used and the beauty is that it is made of a therapeutic grade memory foam that is weaved and strand into cotton like plushness. This provides a unique plushness that delivers a ultra rich quality to the material making for a very comfortable sleep experience. I honestly would suggest trying this for anyone who has the need for a good nights sleep that suffers from low back issues.

  • debra - Great graduation gift

    Pen was delivered faster than promised and the recipient loved it. The pen writes beautifully a d feels good I. Your hand. I would definitely recommend.

  • Kimbergidget - like "formulation", and the same type of poor English

    I have not used this product yet, but please look at all the most recent ratings. They are all from June 2015, they are all 5-star, and they all use the same types of phrases, like "formulation", and the same type of poor English. They are obviously fake ratings to compensate for all the bad ratings this product has received. I don't know if this product works or not but it ANGERS me that someone is faking the reviews and trying to dupe the public.

  • Dr. Uterus Turnbull - Nowhere near the same terror or fun as part one

    Ugh. This sucked in every possible way. The effects were top notch but seemed almost copy/pasted if that's possible. Writing/characters were almost inconsequential as this simply skipped along a path established by the past 20 years' of popular sci-fi. Obvious scenes and scenarios were stolen straight from films including Prometheus, Star Trek I & II, and Pacific Rim, making this a very predictable and unemotional snoozefest. The final battle may be redeeming to a degree, but I was so bummed by the end that I just wanted it to be over. What could have been...