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  • Ryan Amado - Watch PreparedMind 101 on YouTube first!!!!

    Do yourself a favor and watch a video about this flashlight on the YouTube channel PreparedMind 101. After the well informed video you'll understand why this is a superior choice of a flashlight. I work as a paramedic, and when I need light I want LIGHT. Just got the light the other day, so I can't say much yet, what I do know is that so far, very impressed.

  • Bob Crowell - This is an expensive product so I was disappointed by the results

    I was really hoping this would remove or at least improve the stains on my 15 year old roof. I applied as directed (pressure washer with extension and proper nozzle for solution application) and waited...and waited...and waited. It has been about 4 months and there really isn't any difference. The stains are the same as before the application.The directions do say it could take up to six months to work but I'm not confident that the additional time is going to change anything. I have enough product left for another application but with all the effort that's involved to apply the solution (I have high, steeply pitched rooflines to access) I don't know if it's worth the trouble. This is an expensive product so I was disappointed by the results. Also I have 3 gallons left that I may not use and can't return. The 30 day return policy on a product like this doesn't give you enough time to determine whether it's worked or not. Maybe this is just an isolated case but I had expected a better result.

  • Shane K. - Overall, pretty good effort.Gaga is going in a different direction, setting a foundation for some great things to come.

    Joanne is an album that tries to be several different things, with many hits, but some misses. There's jazz, electric, country, soul folk, dance pop, and retro 70's & 80's vibes at times. Unfortunately, the lyrics suffer at times, and feel lazy in some tracks (some tracks, not all). For me, the highlights of Joanne are the following tracks, A-Yo, Dancing in Circles, John Wayne, Perfect Illusion, Come to Mama, Just Another Day, and Million Reasons are the best tracks. After second listen, Hey Girl also grew slightly on me (I thought it was terrible upon first listen). It kind of has an Elton John old-school duet-y style to it. Joanne is definitely a mature effort compared to Gaga's earlier albums. And the musical accompaniments in the latter half of the album are quite fantastic. If you only enjoy her for the Fame days or Born this Way, you may find that you won't care much for this album, other than for the few pop/dance songs (in which case just purchase those singles). Musically, I feel like Gaga is trying to find her new self, and this album is a good start, with great potential of awesome things to come. I think this is better than Art Pop, but not quite as enjoyable as Born this Way. But over time, that opinion may change.