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Country:, Europe, DE

City: 11.0683 Bavaria, Germany

  • A mom of 2 - The best car seat on the market

    I have a total of 4 convertible car seats and my foonf's are by far my favorite. I have absolutely no problems getting the straps tight and secure. The anti-rebound bar gives me an added piece of mind should we ever be in an accident. Install is easy using the LATCH system or the seatbelt. Worth every penny.


    After one use the depressor stopped working, a little expensive for one days use Thé product is gréât if you can gest italien out of thé bottle

  • Jake - the case is terrible they would have been better off throwing everything into ...

    the case is terrible they would have been better off throwing everything into a zip lock back, it doesn't hold anything in place and it doesn't shut well and has terrible latch, but a tool is a tool, it's going to be cast the same way and not that much different in quality. I needed a cheap ratchet set and thats what i got!!I