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  • Patricia - Great bra

    I have several of these bras. It's comfortable, fits well, the butterscotch color is a good neutral, and it works with all my clothing necklines. The ones I bought in a store were wrinkle-free, but those I ordered online required vigorous steaming to remove creases in the foam as they are packaged folded in a tiny sealed bag.

  • Roger V. Meeker - Where's Game 6, guys ... Come on!

    Sorry, but anyone labeling Joe Buck and Tim McCarver as Yankee and Red Sox apologists need to rethink their viewpoints. You may not care for their commentary - although I personally believe they're two of the very best in the business - but an "anti-Cardinal bias"? Say what? Anyone even mildly knowledgeable about the organization knows that they are both about as deeply rooted in St. Louis and Redbird history as one could imagine.

  • Jack C - It's a cable. No Frills.

    Its a cable for pretty much every single device used for media consumption on the planet. There are good cables and bad cables. When I say that, I mean all HDMI cables are pretty much the same. There is absolutely no need to buy a cable over $10. All those home theater magazines promoting their silver covered, braided, whatever cable is (pardon my french) feeding you a load of BS. I say good and cable because there are badly made cables that just break. This is not one of them. The sheathing is good, the head is good, I don't feel like its some fake cable. Just get it if you need a cable.

  • Shannon Kincaid - Great product. I have AT&T it connects great and ...

    Great product. I have AT&T it connects great and for the most part always has a 4G signal or at least says it does. I ordered a different "cheaper" phone for my kid and it came LOADED with spam of all sorts to the point the phone is literally useless. I will be ordering another one of these. Thank you for a great product

  • B. Conover - great tool if you don't finish the bottle

    I saw a vintner at my farmers market with these and asked him. I purchased this and have been surprised and pleased. I rarely finish a whole bottle: sometimes drink it one glass at a time over more than a week. The flavor deteriorates, and after a few days it's "cooking wine" not "drinking wine" even if it started out quite lovely. This vacuums out the air and really does preserve the flavor! probably not forever, but I've gone back a week later and it tasted like a newly popped bottle.

  • Courtney Hewitt - This wonderful Company has fixed that issue

    Hello Soon to be Momma's.. I am a huge supporter of Premama.. I have a hard time taking vitamins, as they are usually big and bulky.. Premama has taken that problem out.. This wonderful Company has fixed that issue.. You can mix it with ANYTHING!! Yogurt, Apple sauce, Pudding, Milk, Juice... anything really that isn't carbonated.. Please give this wonderful company a try and tell your friends and loved ones who might be expecting!

  • Devonna Sakai - Crest advanced seal review

    I've tried teeth whitening many times in the past, always through dentist. I used to have a better job than I do now, so, I honestly don't have the 400$ to pay a dentist every time I want my teeth a little brighter -- which is something that is kind of important to me. Hopefully this review will help people that know a lot about teeth whitening, but also those who know nothing. One major thing to know about teeth whitening all of them are enamel safe nowadays. That said, that doesn't mean it teeth whitening is always pain free. If you have sensitive teeth, it will be sensitive regardless of if you go to the dentist or use a retail solution like Crest. The sensitivity is completely temporary and will go away once you stop whitening. If this is something you are very worried about, I would recommend you whiten every other day instead of every day, and it will dramatically decrease sensitivity, so this is not something you should be concerned about.