
Bezwada Biomedical, LLC - A Drug Device Research Company - Bezwada Biomedical is a innovation driven drug device research company with expertise in absorbable polyurethane, absorbable polymers derived from functionalized natural products, drug molecules and amino acids, adhesion prevention barriers, absorbable drug eluting stent coatings, tissue adhesive and sealant, medical device coatings, drug delivery, drug device combination, absorbable implantable devices and tissue engineering

  • Bezwada Biomedical - Facilities - Bezwada Biomedical operates in two research, development, and manufacturing facilities located in New Jersey and India
  • Bezwada Biomedical - Careers - At Bezwada Biomedical, we invite you to join our growing team of individuals who make a difference in the biomedical and drug device research field.
  • Bezwada Biomedical - Corporate Overview - Bezwada Biomedical LLC is an innovation based and technology driven start up company focused on developing a range of novel, biocompatible and absorbable materials for use in next generation medical devices and therapeutic applications.
  • Bezwada Biomedical - Business Strategy - Bezwada Biomedical designs, develops and commercializes novel absorbable polymeric biomaterials and products based on them in close R&D relationships/partnerships with medical device manufacturers and biomaterial based companies.
  • Bezwada Biomedical wins 2009 Best of Hillsborough Award - Bezwada Biomedical LLC, a biomaterials company that develops, manufactures and markets innovative proprietary absorbable monomers and polymers for biomedical applications, announced today the issuance of United States Patent

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.9171 Arizona, United States

  • sheri81428 - Update 3/8/16 - EXCELLENT Customer Service!!!

    Update 3/8/16: EXCELLENT Customer Service. I replied to a company follow-up email asking me about my experience with the product and let them know about the headaches and the next thing I knew I was receiving a refund. You can't ask for better customer service than that. Thank you, 1 Body. I won't hesitate to try other products of yours that may fit my needs. (I do wish I knew which ingredient was the issue :-( ).

  • Grace Guia - heavy bottom, decent but only had it about a month

    the one by toastmaster with similar heating element on top only lasts one year so i had to buy this one since both of mine clunked out.