www.internationaldoctorslimited.com Review:

International Doctors Limited - We are an established multidisciplinary clinic including family medicine, gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics. With over 20 years experience in Hong Kong, we provide a personalised patient - doctor service for the whole family.

Country:, Asia, HK

City: 114.1667 , Hong Kong

  • Natalie - Not to bad.

    This flavor was ok i personally liked vanilla better. You can buy this stuff for way cheaper on nutrition 53.com for 19.99 plus 25% off when you buy you first tub. Love the product works really great, but now I'm going to save a few bucks on the other site.

  • Jeff - I like them

    I think this shoe is a great improvement over the GT-2000. The latter has a Solelyte midsole and I could not run in it. It didn't provide enough support and I got calf cramps only fifteen minutes into a run. The GT-3000 has a different midsole and is a beefier, stiffer, and heavier shoe, which is what I need. I am very rough on shoes, run on the roads, have nearly 200 miles on this pair, and have had no problems with them whatsoever.