www.fisorchestraitaliana.it Review:

Home < Fisorchestra Italiana - La Fisorchestra Italiana &egrave; composta prevalentemente da fisarmoniche. Nasce grazie alla passione di alcuni fisarmonicisti di Cinisello Balsamo gi&agra

Country:, Europe, IT

City: 11.8833 Province of Arezzo, Italy

  • Honest Reviewer - Read the reviews before you purchase.

    I received this wall mount at a discount for my honest review and I have a duty to the amazon community to deliver just that. I couldn't leave my TV up on the wall for more than a day, even after all the brain wracking it took to install. I don't think it would have held longer than 5 days and I was terrified that it would drop and hurt tone of my kids. As previous reviewers stated, there's an error in the manual. I had to read the reviews to figure out which bit to use. I was really hoping the lower reviews were exaggerations but I have to agree. I am not able to put my word on this product.

  • Gary R. Woods - Great Phone

    I love the blu vivo 4.3. It is all that I could have expected. The only problem that I have found so far is that I can't find a place to buy an extra battery or case. It does all that the other smartphones do, at 1/2 the price!!