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  • Diane Pedersen - It Works! Body Wraps

    I purchased several of this and to date, none have worked. I was a little suspitious about it but I went ahead and tried it.

  • Jodi - It Actually Works

    Used this on an old pet urine stain I found on our sealed hardwood flooring. It removed the lingering odor that must have settled between slats. After testing for 'color fastness' I poured out enough to leave a very thin coat well past the area of concern in all directions. I spread it evenly, and let it sit for almost an hour. Used clean bar towels to wipe up solution, and then mopped area twice. It removed the odor, and while this stain was from my aging kitty who's no longer with us, my other two haven't attempted to mark the area since I removed it approx. three months ago. Highly recommend. P.S. There are specific directions, but since my stain was in a high traffic area, I was desperate enough to create my own instructions.

  • Dawn Formoe - DONT DO IT. it was a major disappiintment with high pressure to be a partner after 7 days

    The product delivered minor fading of brown spots. MINOR. Not one wrinkle, crows feet or scar has been changed because of the product.

  • At Home Air - Plesant Surprize.

    Item was perfect OEM fit. It took 5 mins to install. even cam with a glove box compartment switch and bulb for glove box lighting that works great, a pleasant surprise.

  • MIGUEL SERRANO - elements of style

    since I was a youngster, this was one of the books the father Brunig used in his English writing classes.

  • V. Li - definately breath right...

    the extra version offers a much stiffer fit, for better performance. The adhesive is very sticky, so be careful putting it on and more importantly--taking it off.