rrpponline.com.br Review:

RRPP Atualidades Online - 2013/1 | Comunicação Social - Relações Públicas | Famecos/PUCRS - O RRPP Atualidades é uma publicação informativa e de reflexão do curso de Relações Públicas da Faculdade de Comunicação Social (Famecos), da Pontifícia

  • http://rrpponline.com.br/site/conteudo/entrevistas/ Entrevistas | RRPP Atualidades Online - As tendências e o desenvolvimento da profissão, na voz de personalidades da Comunicação Social.
  • http://rrpponline.com.br/site/conteudo/profissionais/ Profissionais | RRPP Atualidades Online - Perfis de importantes nomes da Comunicação Social. Aqui os relações-públicas, publicitários e jornalistas relatam suas trajetórias e dão o seu recado

    Country:, South America, BR

    City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • Sarah Raines - Go for it! A great challenge to stop an addiction you didn't know you had!

    So, I am on day 9 of the 10 day detox. I really like it. I will continue it in a modified version. I feel really good. Amazing how much your taste buds change when they are not addicted to sugar! Really, I would not have believed, in fact, I would have rolled my eyes at it. But, wow! I have enjoyed the challenge of the program...though I must admit...weekends are the real challenge! They are not make for detoxing...but we survived! Thanks for laying out the steps and making clear then benefits! I will certainly recommend this book to anyone!

  • Patty Mekus - Publisher 2010

    I have used Publisher 2010 at past jobs and was glad to be able to purchase it to work with at my new job. It is so easy to use and produces quality pieces.

  • Robin Smith - A Great Beginning

    I read this when it first came out and I loved this new extended version. Ms. Roth just knows how to put an adventurous love story together. Lukian is the king but don't call him that, he is also the leader of the team. Lukian and perrin seem made for each other despite the fact that perrin has no clue what she is. I loved their interactions