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  • A. Blackard - Great "Authentic" Taco Seasoning

    I've been to Frontera Grill in Chicago a number of times and consider it one of the best restaurants in the country, and have also had a lot of luck with Rick Bayless' recipes at home. I jumped at the chance to try this taco seasoning because I regularly make tacos at home using off-the-shelf seasonings at the grocery store (which I actually like pretty well).

  • Suzanne - Easy on my sensitive tummy

    This is my third pregnancy so I have used many different brands of prenatal vitamins. Sadly, the reason why I have tried so many is because they have all made me horridly ill. I did not have any problems with this one. This is a huge deal for me. I also discussed it with my doctor just to make sure that it would be okay. Thank you for allowing me to purchase at a discount for the purpose of testing and reviewing. However, this has no bearing on my comments or opinions expressed. I have no connection to the seller or manufacturer. As always, my reviews are completely honest and unbiased.

  • Lisa SS - Get Extra!

    So far so good. Although I haven't spilled anything on my soft it's doing a great job repelling any dirt from my dog. Good product but you may need more than one can if you have a sectional, a extra long couch, or couch and loveseat.

  • Wilhelm.Bear - I like this Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo

    I like this Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo. I first bought one at Walmart but they do not seem to carry the brand anymore. It's easy to use, two steps and your done. This one is good for thin hair, I have much thicker hair so it does not do as much for me as I wanted it to but I should have bought the one they sell for thick hair. If you have thin to medium thickness hair this is a great option for you. It's doesn't hurt, its quick and it does a great job at removing unwanted hair. It also does not burn your skin or leave any redness.

  • Stewart - Didn't help me.

    With all the hype surrounding this product and great testimonials from athletes, I thought I'd give LivRelief a try for my psoriatic and osteo arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis also affects soft tissue such as Achilles tendons. I was eagerly anticipating "relief" from using this product. After several weeks of application, I don't feel any change in the level of pain I experience on a daily basis.

  • Shannon Rasmussen - Very impressive.

    Way better than expected. I didn't expect much from this pair of truely wireless headphones, but they are 'awesome'! I have been playing with these for the last week now and absolutely love them.